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An idea sparked by passion, and with passion became creation.

The Story behind L’Arcana.

I was going through a phase in my life where I felt like I had hit a dead end. Where I had lost spark in my passions and inspirations and felt that I wasn’t living up to my highest potential. I didn’t know what motivated me anymore and where to even find answers on where to go next. One day, I went in to a store that drew me in for having a beautiful selection of healing crystals which I was beginning to collect at the time. Right next to the crystals, I noticed there was a wall of Tarot cards, and there I saw a lady shuffling different decks. As I was browsing the cards, the lady spoke to me with a peaceful presence about what brought me interested in to Tarot, while still shuffling the cards. (I’ve only been watching pick-a-card readings online at the time.) Talking to her, I found myself holding back senses of strong emotion, not even knowing why because we were just talking about tarot. While still shuffling the cards, the lady later then tells me she’s a professional psychic. It was then when I realized that she was doing my reading at the same time. After that moment, I decided to pick up cards of my own.

I’ve always been one with a strong intuition and doing my own readings definitely heightened it, as well as become more aware of the energies I give off. In tarot, there are two groups, the minor and major arcana cards which hold the secrets and mysteries of what we have yet to encounter. I kept pulling cards that steered me in to pursuing my passions and business ventures. I’ve always wanted to start a brand of my own but was afraid of failure and of what people would think of my ideas. I guess I was resonating with so much readings that I took it as a “go” sign to trust it, so L’Arcana was born.

During the creation process, I found that it brought me so much fulfillment and this is something I love to do. The restless nights and early mornings learning and working definitely sparked my passion, creativity and inspiration again. Through L’Arcana, I hope to share inspiration, because its what keeps us motivated to discover our hidden arcana.