Act with Intention


I’m sure we’ve had a moment to ask ourselves what our purpose in life was. We go on about our day trying to do what makes us happy, sane and successful in this lifetime. If you think about it, every little thing we do in life greatly impacts our life’s story.  Following the direction of what our heart says, while taking risks and remembering our core values at the same time, will lead us to our life’s journey. I don’t know about you, but I’ve found that when I go against what I desire due to the voices that steer me from what I really want, I most likely find my way swimming against a strong current just to get back to the path I’ve been smooth sailing in when I was following the map to my purpose. Everyone has a different journey, and trust where yours will take you.


The littlest of things we bring into this lifetime can release a rushing river of opportunities and lessons made just for us.


The other day, I was going through a rough morning with a sea of unexplainable moods, I have been feeling during shelter in place. As I was working, I get a text from a girl I had met while shopping early this year before shelter in place. She complimented me on my lashes and I complimented her on her makeup in her being a makeup artist. We exchanged numbers offering her an opportunity to work together on a future project for my brand and that was the last and only time I’ve spoken with her. As I read the text she sent, she texts me only to say “Hi, we met a while ago, just wanted to make sure you are well.”

Reading that simple text at that moment sent chills through my spine that someone I had only spoken 20 minutes to months ago had taken the time to reach out to me at the right time.


Going in to the start of a business, I didn’t realize how many connections and amazing people I would meet along the way as well as how many doors have opened up for me.  She didn’t know it but with that simple text really pushed me to keep my motivation and energy high during this time of uncertainty. She reminded me to bring back the same enthusiasm I had back then to now for that push to continue on with the goals I had set for myself.


With our energy, intention and presence we won’t realize the impact we might have with the people we come across. Be mindful of your actions, they can go a long way.

The older I get the more fascinating I see how, like puzzle pieces, life puts itself together. Think about it. The special people who are or were in our lives, how did we come about to meet them and what were the intentions we had when we met them? Without meeting them, how would our life be different now?  These special people have been placed in to our life by our intentions. Whether they are good or bad intentions they all formed life lessons and shaped who we are today, so be the best person you can be for yourself because the littlest impression may make a great impact on the special people who walk in to your life.


Take the time to act with intention. Maybe we want to learn a new skill, where will we take that skill and how can it be beneficial to our life’s journey?

Do we find we need a shift in values and direction? What would we like the outcome to be?

Is what we’re doing right now and our habits aligned with our goals?

Its important to use our precious time with intention its essential pieces to build our story.


Ironically enough, we never will find out our purpose until our story is fully complete. Our story will be left with the people who were part of it to share with people in their own story. So lets make it worth reading.



Up dressing athleisure.

Photography by: Chris Valera & Desiree Santos

Sneakers: New Balance

Backpack: Longchamp

Coat: Zara

Top: Zara
