Rising from our Imperfections

Typical Justiney fit, keeping it comfortably cute.

Typical Justiney fit, keeping it comfortably cute.

I used to create this idea or image of who was an “admirable” person. Being one of the oldest out of my cousins and sibling I always had a weight on me that I had to always be strong for them, to set an example to look up to for them, and to overall reassure that everything is gonna be okay. I think that’s something a lot of the eldest in the family experience.

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Staying in this mindset, I continued to maintain this image of myself to express to those around me a smile that everything is okay, because fake it till you make it right? This year has taught me that every day that we wake up, there is always one person we have to face and can’t escape our truths from, ourselves. We’ve all learned to truly learn who we are alone, understanding what goes on behind the scenes of what people might see in person and definitely what is perceived on social media.

Basic tee and cycling shorts pretty much sums up the 2020 trends, cause lets be honest, this year is all about comfort haha

Basic tee and cycling shorts pretty much sums up the 2020 trends, because lets be honest, this year is all about comfort.

I realized that all my life I conditioned myself to create this mentality that challenges couldn’t phase my emotional capacity (sort of like an idgaf attitude). Every time I face a challenging situation, I instantly resort to a quick solution, what will bring me back to alignment, why am I feeling this way, and what can I do about it to solve it…like right now. I realized that I tend to skip the part where you take time to just feel it. I’ve been going on through life with this bandage on my emotions which has created an unhealthy emotional detachment and it has definitely caught up to me this year in being that there was no way I can mask my truths from my own self. I’ve felt a mixture of emotions this year and my escape was always another new project ( if I’m starting a new project it could be the result of an emotional bandage), though rewarding, it would be a way to occupy my thoughts. Eventually, one person can only hide and handle so many projects that the bandage has got to come off some time.

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For the love of vintage, they have stories to tell too.

For the love of vintage, they have stories to tell too.

Emotional intelligence is a product of internal growth as it acknowledges healing from past traumas. Before this “2020 experience” I found I would distract or steer myself from accepting some of my darkest realities overlooking internal wounds that haven’t yet been healed.

Separating ourselves from the noise of the world has allowed us to really listen to how we think and analyze the beliefs we have created for ourselves in silence. There really is no need to create a gratifying image of ourselves for anyone’s admiration, acceptance, or comfort because we’ll always go to bed knowing our truths at the end of the day, and the only person worth impressing is us alone. When we learn to solely impress ourselves accepting flaws and all, it brings out a glow from within, creating an energetic pull where you’ll realize people gravitating toward you. Authenticity can truly be sensed.

Instead, be fearless when it comes to sharing your truths in genuity, as it will reveal itself as valuable lessons and teachings sparking admiration in itself. Take time to feel, heal and just be fearless with the soul we carry inside our physical being (something I’m continuing to work on) as its definitely an awakening experience.

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Its okay to spend time with how you feel in discomfort for a moment and set an example through your life’s imperfections…if challenges always were covered up and seemed okay every time, then we would have just skipped through the most impactful part of the journey where we learned to rise from it all.

What have you learned this year of self reflection?

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Most of these pieces were gifted to me by some special people and have a story behind them.

Photography by @blissthegoldenstatekid (IG) - STAR Tribe

Shirt: Kaws x Uniqlo local drop off from @solexstrz (Instagram) can also find similar here. This is a men’s size medium. I don’t know what it is but I see myself in the Kaws BFF on this tee hehe.

Cycling shorts: Amazon I’ve grown to love cycling shorts this year (was not a fan of them before s.i.p haha) because I can go from wearing them comfortably at home to running a quick errand to working out, which instantly became a must in 2020 for its practicality this year.

Denim Jacket: Levis - I love dressing up this classic cut denim jacket with fun pins giving an outfit some character.

Shoes: Air Jordan 1s in Pink Quartz. Local drop off from @solexstrz (Instagram) can also find them here. Realized this color way goes with a lot of my closet.

Bag: Vintage Gucci. This bag always compliments my fit whenever I pair it with denim! It is one of my favorite vintage bags gifted to me and holds sentimental value.

Hair pins: Nordstrom

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