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I used to really think a lot about the way people viewed me and took it to heart. Though, we mustn’t take the words people project too personal (especially if we took the time to know who we truly are), for this is a projection on the way they view themselves and cannot define your full being, and no need for your self explaination.

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When I become affected with events that challenge my peace and find it paints a view darker than what I envisioned for myself, it adds pressure and stress for no potential good. When we become affected by external projections, we end up exerting energy in to a thought we are actually able to control. I’ve been in hermit mode the last few weeks because I found myself quick to react to things.. but when I give time to myself I realize, the way I feel and the way I think can be shifted if I thought about what I can learn from these challenges. I found that if I just take some time to breathe and take a second to recollect my thoughts I can take charge of my emotions.

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If one is able to share compliments, they are willing to receive them because of the positive view they have for themselves. If you receive negative responses, it is but a mere reflection of what they view of themselves on the inside. As long as we’re solid with who we are and understand when someone is projecting their fears and intimidation, we are able to remain unbothered.

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Sometimes we tend to internalize and place ourselves as victim to what happens to us and find it easier to put the blame on the occurrence itself. Instead of dwelling on the event that affects us, understand those events are given to us as a lesson and is an opportunity to grow and learn from that experience. These life challenges have already been planned by the divine to shape us to reach our full potential in this lifetime, it wouldn’t play in our cards if we were not meant to handle it. By understanding it as a lesson we no longer give people our power or use our precious time on negativity. No matter who or what event challenged our peace, its a time to let it go and be unbothered.

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The world is made up of all kinds of energies, and to remain in the ones that are high vibe, we must use everything we’ve got to try to refrain from participating in negativity. Something I find that helps me a lot lately to set the tone of the day is to count my blessings in the morning. There is so much to be thankful for that we take for granted but seem to put the energy in what we lack most of the time. When we speak what we are grateful for the day out loud, we can hear it as a reminder for when we face challenges throughout the day ahead. Gratitude is a an act of love and when we remain in that high vibe of love we remain unbothered.

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Our peace is valuable and we only have this one life to live right now, so do everything in your power to fill it with things that make your soul smile. Even if we may find ourselves in the darkest of places sometimes, just know that it is all in the way we react to it and is only for a moment in time. Take every lesson as a blessing, and the opportunity to become a better version of ourselves. If we dwell in that hole of darkness we dug for ourselves, its only ourselves holding us back from climbing towards the light that’s ahead.

We are the only ones to blame when we are in a place that hinders our peace. There’s a lot of gems we have yet to discover in our lifetime, and remaining to exist in bother will only hold us back from its discovery.


Get creative. When we are in our creative mindset we are focused on refining and accomplishing our craft which results in building self-love. I find to remain “unbothered” in love an artform and master peace.

Photo credit:

IG: @blissthegoldenstatekid (Star Tribe)

Top: All Saints Silk Button up (similar here)

Shorts: “Mom” fit denim Zara

Shoes: Converse X Fear of God Essentials (@solexstrz )

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